Colloquium on Maths and Science in English

THE teaching of Mathematics and Science in English remains a much-debated issue among Malaysians, even five years after its implementation.

In view of this, the Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (Melta) will be hosting a one-day National Colloquium on the Teaching of Mathematics and Science in English on 11th December 2007, from 9am to 6pm, at the Palace of the Golden Horses, Kuala Lumpur.

Through this national colloquium, Melta hopes to bring together officers from the Education Ministry, teachers, the press, publishers, corporate leaders, non-government organisations, members from teacher training institutions, universities, professional organisations and the public to discuss and deliberate on the issues and challenges facing the teaching of Maths and Science in English.

About 200 participants are expected to attend the colloquium.

The event is aimed at creating awareness among Malaysians of the Government's efforts in relation to the teaching of Maths and Science in English and identifying strengths and challenges.

Other aims include suggesting possible measures to meet these challenges, addressingfuture directions, and creating networking opportunities among stakeholders to share knowledge and resources.

Among the topics that will be discussed are the viability and necessity for the continued teaching of Maths and Science in English, and the strategies and methodologies that need to be instituted if the two subjects are to be taught in the English language.

A comprehensive report based on the keynote address, papers and roundtable discussions will be compiled and presented to the Education Ministry.

Participation is by invitation. Those interested in attending the colloquium can contact Melta at 03-8944 1027 or e-mail: . The Star is the media sponsor for the colloquium.

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