Excellent Teacher

Guru Cemerlang (Excellent Teacher) is an award given to teachers who are regarded as experts in their field of teaching and subject matter. The rationale of giving this award is due to the progression of teacher promotion.

In the past, teachers who fit the criteria are promoted to the post of principals, vice principals or education officers. In getting promoted, the teacher seems to be moving away from teaching in the classroom to doing administrative work.

This means teachers who are dedicated and expert in their subject matter are lost in the systems, their skills and talent are inaccessible due to their promotion.

The awarding of Guru Cemerlang ensures that even if the teacher is promoted, he/she will still be teaching and his/her knowledge and expertise can be used by the school and the schools in the district. In 1993 the Guru Cemerlang promotion was introduced.Objectives of the Guru Cemerlang Promotion Scheme;

* To acknowledge teachers who are excellent in their field or subject.
* To improve the quality of teaching.
* To Guru Cemerlang as role model to other teachers.
* To enhance school excellence by utilising the experience and expertise of the Guru Cemerlang.
* To expand horizon of promotion in educational services.
* To promote teachers without leaving teaching behind or changing to administrative duties.
* To give promoted teachers opportunity to get promoted to a higher grade quickly.

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